Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris + Contohnya

Dalam bahasa inggris, kita harus belajar tentang Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris. Kalimat ini adalah pelajaran dasar bagi kalian yang ingin cepat memahami tense pada bahasa inggris.

Dalam kalimat aktif, Sesuatu yang melakukan tindakan adalah subjek kalimat dan sesuatu yang menerima tindakan adalah objek. Kebanyakan kalimat dalam bahasa inggris merupakan kalimat aktif.

Sedangkan dalam kalimat pasif, sesuatu yang menerima tindakan adalah subjek kalimat dan sesuatu yang melakukan tindakan (bersifat opsional, dapat ditulis atau tidak) ditulis dekat dengan akhir kalimat.

Dalam artikel ini admin telah membuat bebrapa contoh kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif sebagai contoh untuk kalian. Disediakan juga langsung rumus setiap jenis tense agar memudahkan kalian untuk membuat contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif sesuai pemahaman kalian masing masing.

The Simple Present Tense

Rumus :

Aktif      : Subjeck + V1 (V+S/es) + Objeck
Pasif     : Subjek + is/am/are + past participle/V3

Contoh :

Aktif :

  • He Buys a bag today
  • Ariana wants those books.

Pasif : 

  • A bag bought by him today
  • The work is repaired by her immediately.   

The Present Continous Tense

Rumus :

Aktif      : Subjeck + am/is/are + Ving + Objeck
Pasif     :  is/am/are + Being + V3

Contoh :

Aktif :

  • She is reading a book now
  • The engine is driving the train.
Baca Juga :   Pengertian Profesi dan Profesionalisme

Pasif :    

  •  A book is being red by her now
  • The train is being driven by the engine

The Present Perfect Tense

Rumus :

Aktif      : Have/has + V3
Pasif     : Have/has + Been + V3

Contoh :

Aktif :

  • I have written the letter  
  • Many peoples have visited that cemetery.

Pasif :      

  • The letter have been written by me
  • That cemetery has been visited by many peoples.

The Simple Past Tense

Rumus :

Aktif      : V2
Pasif     : Was / were + V3

Contoh :

Aktif :

  • She sent the letter yesterday
  • Samadi repaired the radio.

Pasif :      

  • The letter was sent by her yesterday
  • The radio was repaired by Samadi.

The Past Continous Tense

Rumus :

Aktif      : Was / were + Ving
Pasif     : Was / were + being + V3

Contoh :

Aktif :

  • was cooking the rice
  • The security was helping the customer when the thief came into the bank.

Pasif :      

  • The rice was being cooked by me
  • The customer was being helped by the security when the thief came into the bank.

The Past Perfect Tense

Rumus :

Aktif      : Had + V3
Pasif     : Had Been + V3

Contoh :

Aktif :

  • She had opened the door
  •  Gerry had repaired many computers before he received his license.

Pasif :      

  • The door had been opened by her
  • Many computers had been repaired by Gerry before he received his  license.

The Simple Future Tense

Rumus :

Aktif      : Shall / Will + V3
Pasif     : Shall / Will + be + V3

Baca Juga :   Teknik Dewatering: Pengertian, Metode dan Tips Memilih Jasa Dewatering

Contoh :

Aktif :

  •  They will wash the car tomorrow
  • Sam will finish the work by 7:00 PM.

Pasif :     

  •  The car will be washed by them tomorrow
  • The work will be finished by 7:00 PM.

The Future Continous Tense

Rumus :

Aktif      : Shall / Will + be + Ving
Pasif     : Shall / Will + be + being + V3

Contoh :

Aktif :

  • Luna and Rio will be loving to read book
  • At 9:00 PM tonight, Josh will be cleaning the desk.

Pasif :      

  • To read book will be being loved by Luna and Rio
  • At 9:00 PM tonight, the desk will be being cleaned by Josh.

The Future Perfect Tense

Rumus :

Aktif      : Shall / Will + Have + V3
Pasif     : Shall / Will + Have + Been + V3

Contoh :

Aktif :

  •  The students will have completed the  exam before closing time
  • Peoples will have completed the job before the deadline.

Pasif :     

  • The exam will have been completed before closing time
  • The job will have been completed before the deadline.

The Present Perfect Continious 

Rumus :

Aktif      : Have / Has + Been + Ving
Pasif     : Have / Has + Been + Being + V3

Contoh :

Aktif :

  •  We have been learning english since 07.00 PM
  •  Recently, Joshua has been doing the job.

Pasif :      

  •  English has been being learned by us since 07.00 PM
  •  Recently, the job has been being done by Joshua.

The Past Perfect Continious Tense

Rumus :

Aktif      : Had Been + Ving
Pasif     : Had + Been + Being + V3

Baca Juga :   Identifikasi Kesempatan Berusaha

Contoh :

Aktif :

  • They had been learning english since 2019 
  • The Chef had been preparing the dinners for three years before he moved to Swiss.

Pasif :     

  • English had been being learned by them since 2011
  • The dinners had been being prepared by the Chef for three years before he moved to Swiss.

The Future Perfect Continious Tense

Rumus :

Aktif      : Shall / Will + have + Been + Ving
Pasif     : Shall / Will + Have + Been + Being + V3

Contoh :

Aktif :

  • She will have been watching TV
  • Andi will have been painting the building for over six months by the time it is finished.

Pasif :      

  • The TV will have been being watched by her
  • The building will have been being painted by Andi for over six months by the time it is finished.

Itulah bebrapa contoh kalimat pasif dan kalimat aktif yang sering digunakan dalam bahasa inggris. Kalimat ini tenju banyak digunakan dalam kehidupan dan kegiatan sehari hari kita sehingga memang dasar sebagai pembelajaran bahasa inggris.

Contoh diatas hanyalah contoh kecil saja. Kalian bisa kreasikan sendiri dengan pemahaman kalian. Caranya pun mudah. Tinggal sesuaikan susunan kalimat dengan rumus yang sudah ada.

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